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Posts tagged native plants
Landscaping for Wildlife

Chattanooga residents often have to fight off unwanted animals from eating flowers and plants in their yard. But for those that want to attract wildlife, there are several ways to do so. Let’s take a look at some ways to make your yard more creature friendly, while keeping maintenance relatively low.

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Pool Fabulous

Though Chattanooga isn’t quite ready for summer swims and soirees, prepping your pool and outdoor living areas now will get your swim space ready to bloom and enjoy once those long, warm evenings truly arrive. Landscaping, shade structures, and lighting are all examples of features that can enhance your comfort and sensory experience at your pool.

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Top 5 Outdoor Living Trends in 2023

Here at Full Circle Land Design, we’re no strangers to creating unique, inviting, and livable outdoor spaces for our clients. As we kick off the New Year, fresh trends & ideas are cropping up as folks continue to make use of these areas. And if you’re not sure where to start? Don’t sweat it: these top 5 trends can assist you in designing any outdoor dream or style.

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