Blog — Full Circle Land Design


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Fall Fertilizer for Your Lawn

Lush lawns are something to pride for many homeowners. Often when we think of lawns, spring and summer months come to mind in vivid greens and with sprinklers at the ready. However, those of us who live in the Southeast know that summer months can be especially brutal to our landscaping, particularly our grass. Typically, your traditional turf grass, though pretty and usually easy to maintain, requires extra support due to depleted soil nutrients from heavy rains and soaring temperatures. For grass to look and function best, this support looks like proper fertilizer. The kinds of fertilizers vary depending on your turf type; however, when and how to fertilize couldn’t be simpler.

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Kevin ShealeyComment
Landscaping for Wildlife

Chattanooga residents often have to fight off unwanted animals from eating flowers and plants in their yard. But for those that want to attract wildlife, there are several ways to do so. Let’s take a look at some ways to make your yard more creature friendly, while keeping maintenance relatively low.

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Pool Fabulous

Though Chattanooga isn’t quite ready for summer swims and soirees, prepping your pool and outdoor living areas now will get your swim space ready to bloom and enjoy once those long, warm evenings truly arrive. Landscaping, shade structures, and lighting are all examples of features that can enhance your comfort and sensory experience at your pool.

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Top 5 Outdoor Living Trends in 2023

Here at Full Circle Land Design, we’re no strangers to creating unique, inviting, and livable outdoor spaces for our clients. As we kick off the New Year, fresh trends & ideas are cropping up as folks continue to make use of these areas. And if you’re not sure where to start? Don’t sweat it: these top 5 trends can assist you in designing any outdoor dream or style.

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Landscape and Outdoor Design for Your Modern Farmhouse

For many Southerners, a farmhouse holds a certain nostalgia for yesteryears. However, farmhouses have been brought back into the mainstream often as spacious, rustic, and sentimental homes that still evoke whimsy, while applying modern updates to make them work in today’s world. Learn about 5 ways to enhance your farmhouse landscaping in this article.

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Tidy Your Gardens Before Spring

The freshness of Spring will be here before we know it and with it comes the need to get those garden beds and landscaping in great shape before you start fresh planting and revamping. While you can hold off on garden tidying until warmer seasons truly arrive, why not get a head start on your Spring-cleaning list and take advantage of mild weather when it occurs?

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Landscaping for Beginners

2020 kept us all at home and in doing so, had many of us looking for ways to increase our home’s value and curb appeal. One great way to do this is through landscaping. And for beginners, there are some easy things to do that will help set you up for success and, ultimately, make a big impact on the overall aesthetic of your house. Here are three tips and tricks to help you create a wonderful space that a novice can be proud of.

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8 Backyard Features That Boost Your Home’s Value or ‘Chill’ Factor

Activities like running, hiking, and camping attract about 13.6 million Americans each year—but perhaps the easiest way to enjoy the outdoors is just chilling in the backyard.

Knowing that you can recover a chunk of any backyard expenses once you sell your home is also bound to heighten your enjoyment. Not all outdoor features boast the same returns, however. Some add more value depending on your price range and location, and rarely will a project pay for itself and then some. Find out which investments make the most sense for your home with this list of popular backyard additions that add value, marketability, or overall appeal.

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Your Front Yard at its Finest

When you are ready to tackle the front yard of your home, there are several things to consider when making the most of it. Hiring a landscape expert to help you design is important, but you can get a jump on planning by understanding your needs and those of your lawn and garden. Here are three challenges homeowners face most often and how to get around the issues.

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Rental Property Landscaping Dos and Don'ts

As a savvy landlord, you know how important the curb appeal of your property is. It’s like a book cover and sets the stage for what a prospective tenant can expect when they set foot inside the property. If it looks like it has seen better days, then it could be costing you business by driving away prospective tenants, warns Haas Properties. On the other hand, if it looks attractive, it could help you land prospective tenants easily and quickly. Here are 7 dos and don’ts of rental property landscaping to keep in mind when landscaping a rental property.

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Ways to Fix Yard Drainage Problems

Is the tune “rain, rain, go away…” stuck on repeat in your head lately? Here in the Chattanooga, Tennessee, area you may find that your lawn and landscaping may be unable to withstand torrential downpours and constant rain showers. Standing water can potentially create many issues; it will definitely affect your ability to enjoy your outdoor living space.

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Kevin Shealey Comment
Fall: Planting, Perennials, and Planning

When the flowers of summer start to wilt and fade, you may think that your outdoor space is no longer a place to enjoy the wonders of Mother Nature. Yet, when many gardens are beginning to dwindle there are plenty of ways to extend the life of your landscaping with a beautiful transition to fall. This article will give you some helpful tips and information on your Fall garden.

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Take It Outside

Living in the Chattanooga area has many perks, one of which is the ample time available throughout the year to enjoy being outside. While the dog days of summer are coming to an end, the late summer/early fall is an amazing time to be in your yard. Whether you seek to indulge in your already-thriving late-summer garden, or want to spruce up your space for outdoor living, Full Circle Land Design is here to help. Here are some ways to make the most of outdoor life at this time of year.

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