Spring Forward — Full Circle Land Design


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Spring Forward

At Full Circle Land Design, we want to provide residents of the Chattanooga area with service and expertise. Right now, we want to help you get ready for spring and start thinking about your outdoor spaces, and this is the first in a series of blog posts.

Are you dreaming of spring yet? Sure, it's cold out there now, but spring is right around the corner. And though it may not feel like it, soon the trees will be filled with singing birds and lustrous green leaves. Here in Chattanooga, you can already see some new blooms emerging everywhere you look. 

Below are some of the common early-bloomers to look out for in our area.

·       Ornamental Cherry Tree - There are a number of varieties of Cherry trees. The ornamental ones are known for their prolific cluster of white or pink flowers in springtime. In addition, they have a unique bark with thin rims running horizontally around the trunk. In some varieties, the bark peels back in places to reveal a mahogany color beneath. Cherry trees can range from 10-40 feet in height. The 'Okame' Cherry is one of the earliest to bloom.


·       Saucer Magnolia - The Saucer Magnolia has large fragrant flowers that are white with shades of pink and purple. The tree can grow up to 30 feet tall with a wide, low-branched spread of 25 feet. After its first wave of flowers, you will see broad, dark green leaves; but new blooms may continue through summer. The bark is smooth with a silvery grey color. These are great trees for wildlife, providing food and shelter throughout the branches.  A Saucer Magnolia in your lawn is sure to grab the attention of your neighbors!


·       Forsythia - These are easy-care plants that add dramatic displays of bright yellow color to your garden. Among the first plants to start blooming, they are a striking sign that spring is soon to come. Forsythia prefers full sun (6-8 hours of direct sunlight) for favorable blooming and likes well-draining soils. It is best to prune them once per year just after their blooms stop so that they don't get overgrown. 


·       Daffodils - These are low-maintenance and reliable bulbs for any garden. Daffodils multiply quickly and come back year after year. They can handle sun or shade and are not fussy about soil types, as long as it's not too wet. Also, deer and rabbits won't eat them. They have trumpet-shaped flowers with a star-shaped background. While yellow is the most common color you see, there are also white, cream, pink, and orange ones. Due to their unmatched beauty and trouble-free dependability, Daffodils are some of the most popular flowers; they boast at least 50 species and 13,000 hybrids.


·       Creeping Phlox - This easy-care groundcover adds a beautiful spring carpet of red, lavender, pink, white, or bluish-purple to your landscape.  Consider growing between rocks, in tight crevices, or along the perimeter of a plant bed. They can even cascade down the sides of planters. Phlox has a moderate growth rate and only grow 4 to 6 inches tall with a 2 foot spread. They can grow in a variety of conditions, but for best results plant them in full sun with moist, well-draining soil.


While all of these may not be right for you, you can start to pay attention to what catches your eye when you are outside, and we can help you translate that into your own garden plans. Call Full Circle Land Design at (423) 385-4955 or send us an email to start discussing your wishes for moving forward with spring.

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